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CALB Jeep-a-Gras parade, winter tea coming up this month


By Toni Miles

Sunny, warm and a slight breeze drifting in off the waters of the Mississippi Sound proved to be the perfect day for the first-ever Chill-N-Park vintage vehicle/car show in Long Beach.

Dozens of hot rods and classic cars and trucks were on display just north of the intersection of Jeff Davis Avenue and Highway 90 in late September. Locals and tourists alike dropped by for the event, hosted by the Carnival Association of Long Beach’s (CALB) Team Stirrat-Brown 2024-2025, and the CALB team is gearing up for another popular coast event that’s just around the corner.

Jeep-A-Gras will be returning for its second year - and a little early this time around.  Jeep drivers and enthusiasts will gather in the Friendly City for the 2nd Annual Jeep-A-Gras, scheduled to take place in Long Beach on Friday, November 22, and on Saturday, November 23.  

Jeepers will complete their registration requirements and pick up T-shirts and goodie bags at a meet-and-green scheduled for Friday, November 22nd.

The Jeep-A-Gras Parade, which is expected to draw large crowds, as it did during its debut last January, is scheduled to take place at 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 23. and will roll through downtown Long Beach. Jeeps will line up at the Long Beach High School stadium parking lot at 300 East Pass Road, a few hours before the parade rolls out, winding from the starting point, then west on Railroad Street, south on Jeff Davis Avenue, and to the Harper McCaughan Town Green.

The parade is free and will also feature throws, food and other vendors along the parade route.

Earlier in the month, CALB Team Stirrat-Brown 2024-2025 will also put on a Winter Tea Party, which is scheduled to take place from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, November 2, at the St. Thomas Catholic Church Parish Life Center located at 720 East Beach Boulevard in Long Beach.

The Winter Tea will include pictures with Santa, craft tables, activity stations and a special appearance by Studio E. Ballerinas.

For more information on CALB’s upcoming Jeep-A-Gras event and parade or the Winter Tea Party, visit the Team Stirrat-Brown CALB 2024-2025 Facebook page.