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PCES Students Shine During Awards Rally


Pass Christian Elementary School proudly celebrated its students’ achievements during a vibrant Awards  Ceremony from Term 2. This event, held on Friday, January 17th, 2025 honored students for their hard work  dedication, and growth across various areas, showcasing the school’s commitment to fostering academic  excellence, creativity, and resilience.

Pass Christian Elementary highlights academic achievement during Awards Rally. The awards rally recognized  students with awards in the following categories: All A Honor Roll, All A & B Honor Roll, Bravo Award, and  the Persistent Pirate Award. Additionally, students excelling in special activities were honored with Activity  Awards from Art, Physical Education, Music, Library, Makerspace, and Character Ed. These awards  recognized creativity, teamwork, and passion in enriching school programs that inspire well-rounded  development.

Parents, teachers, students, and school staff came together to celebrate the achievements of these wonderful  students. With many photos, videos, and cheers it is certain that this awards ceremony will be remembered for  years to come!