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Santa to trade his sleigh for a boat for annual Long Beach Sail-a-Bration


By Toni Miles

In true Coast style, Santa Claus himself will be taking a quick break from his work at the North Pole to make a special appearance in Long Beach at the Sea Santa Sail-a-Bration parade, scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 7.

The lineup for the annual “waterless boat parade” starts at the Long Beach High School parking lot, where festively-decorated and lighted boats pulled on trailers will launch out on the parade route at 5:45 p.m. From there, the procession will turn south onto Cleveland Avenue, then go right on Railroad, swing left onto Jeff Davis Avenue, left on 5th Street, take a left on Burke and will end at the Harper McCaughan Town Green, located in the 100-block of Jeff Davis Avenue, in downtown Long Beach, where the public is invited to take part in post-parade, family-friendly activities, including the annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree.

Following the parade, little ones can experience what it’s like to play in wintry weather at the live “snowground,” which will be set up at the town green. There will be unique and festive photo ops, including “human snow globe” pictures (a photo op first offered during the 2017 Sea Santa Sail-a-Bration post-parade activities), and attendees will even have the chance to get a snapshot with Santa Claus himself, who will be on-hand for the event.

There will also be plenty of games and kids’ activities, food and entertainment at the town green after the parade.

Those who would like to register to have a float in this year’s waterless boat parade can get more details or register for the parade by visiting www.LongBeachCDA.com or by calling 228-380-6851. An entry fee of $25 is applied to all applications received on or before Monday, November 25, at 5 p.m. An entry fee of $50 will apply to all parade applications received after this date and time. Checks can be made payable and mailed to: Long Beach Main Street, P.O. Box 1352, Long Beach, MS 39560.

The annual Sea Santa Sail-a-Bration parade and holiday celebration that rolls around each year is free to attend and is made possible by the non-profit Long Beach Community Development Association (a division of the Mississippi Main Street Association), the City of Long Beach, and sponsor Elvis Gates (State Farm Insurance, Long Beach).

Those who plan to attend the parade are encouraged to stake out a spot early along the parade route for good viewing.

For more information about this year’s Sea Santa Sail-a-Bration, email LBMSMainStreet@gmail.com or visit the Long Beach Community Development Association’s Facebook page.