Jeepers are a common sight throughout South Mississippi year-round, whether it’s the bright-lighted decorated Jeeps that roll down city streets during Mardi Gras or Long Beach’s Annual Jeep-A-Gras parades or those rugged terrain vehicles often spotted in auto shows and non-profit fundraisers that take place along the Coast.
On Saturday, April 13, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Jeepers everywhere can converge on the Coast and head over to St. Thomas Catholic Church in Long Beach to get a blessing, while helping out the church’s teen program as well as a local animal rescue foundation.
The Priest of St. Thomas Catholic Church will be on hand to pray for a safe riding season for each Jeeper and their passengers. He will bless each Jeep with holy water at this year’s Annual Blessing of the Jeeps at the church, located at 720 Beach Boulevard East.
The Annual Blessing of the Jeeps takes place in April of each year to kick off Jeeping season. During this event, participants showcase their Jeeps and have the opportunity to engage in raffles, giveaways and more, while also raising funds for both the Life Teen program at St. Thomas Catholic Church and also for Batman’s LBMS Animal Rescue Foundation of Long Beach, which helps animals in the area with food, cleaning supplies, shelter and more.
The cost of registration is $15 per Jeep and must be made before the April 13 event. To register for the event or for more information, visit the Blessing of the Jeeps-MS Facebook page.