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Hudson's Journey

By Mika Hartman As humans, we often offer pats on the back, kiss away booboos, donate to causes to make us feel good, and grab tissues for heartwarming and heart wrenching infomercials. While …

By Mika Hartman Christmas is here and we are counting our blessings. When I was a little girl, I started collecting Precious Moments figures. My Granny Joy and I shared love for these …

It’s October! This is Down syndrome Awareness Month; so, grab those crazy socks, go join a local Buddy Walk, wear blue and yellow and celebrate our buddies the way I do every day. My …

By: Mika Hartman October is here. As we commemorate both Down Syndrome Awareness Month and National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), I can reflect on what I have learned on this …

By: Mika Hartman Each year , National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) host a conference. If you are lucky, you don’t miss it; you can’t miss it, so much happens in a year of research …

By: Mika Hartman If given the opportunity to take away my sons extra chromosome, I would not. If given the opportunity to remove some of his ailments due to his extra chromosome, I absolutely …

Recently, CJ took us on a beautiful vacation. We love cruising for many reasons, so we boarded the newest ship  The Icon of the Seas .  Traveling with Hudson presents many challenges, but …

Hudson is my hero; however, you don’t need superpowers to sense other people’s emotions or need a power to tell you what someone else might be thinking or feeling. It’s called …

The word “audible” automatically makes us think American football; I can hear Peyton Manning yelling “Omaha” as I am typing. Actually, calling an “audible” can be …

It has been in the news a lot about promoting abortion for disabled babies, even in the State of the Union Address. A lady in Texas crossed the border to secure her abortion of her disabled daughter, …

March is here and the old saying, “out like a lion, in like a lamb” may be true about the weather; but it’s also about everything that was cold finding a new warmth. Blooming, …

As a parent, we fear so many things while raising our children. We understand the underlying risks in most of our daily adventures, but we always think “not us” and we choose to live. We …

Happy 2024!     As we all plan for the coming year, the possible and impossible resolutions made, the highest hope for a better tomorrow, I know whose hands our future falls in: …

  During this Christmas season, we all get overwhelmed with all the “things to do” to have the most “perfect” Christmas. “Perfect" is subjective, …

When you try something new, there can be hesitation. Like riding a bike. It’s exciting, but when your dad lets go and you likely will fall. You get up and try again. The reward of independently …

  Happy October! To all our extra amazing friends, Happy Down Syndrome Awareness Month!   This month has all the feels to mommas like me. We …

October is quickly approaching, and for moms like me, that means it’s almost “Buddy Walk’ season. The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) kicks off every year with a walk in New …

   This morning, I am writing this from the seventh floor of the Marriott in Orlando, in the quiet of my room; however, this weekend has been anything but quiet. The theme surrounding this …

By Mika Hartman   In 1959, the iconic Barbie doll went on display at the American Toy Fair in New York City. Since this time, over a billion Barbies have been sold. I grew up with …

   After sailing on the 2022 Buddy Cruise, I knew it was not only something that every family on this journey deserves, but I also recognize that this journey has more expenses for some and …

“Our children are worthy of EQUITABLE SPACE in this world. This is non-negotiable.”  -Heather Avis of The Lucky Few Podcast    This week my family had the honor …

By Mika Hartman Life is life. Some seem to walk around on “easy street”, while others struggle with everything. Some people celebrate 75 years of marriage, while others remarry more …

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