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Hudson’s Journey: Chosen for his EXTRA


For the last year, I have been blessed to share this beautiful journey with my Huddy. Hudson is a vibe, a mood, a reminder of how precious life is and a reminder of just how resilient we’ve been created. Thank you for reading my heart over the past 12 months. My goal has always been to share a glimpse into this life to encourage everyone to embrace and support your families in your communities better. To see each person as someone who deserves more respect; give more of your time to someone who is easy to love. Mississippi is the “Hospitality State”; hospitality is the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors and strangers. This is also a given for thy neighbors. Be hospitable and kind to all.

A friend of mine once shared something with me, “maybe our children don’t have an extra chromosome, maybe we are missing it and we will be given it at the gates of Heaven”… that is exactly how I feel. God is love and love definitely lives on the 21st chromosome. Hudson daily (really every second) shows love in the smallest and biggest ways. I have learned so much by looking through his eyes and embracing this journey with open arms. Just because I am his mom, this doesn’t mean you can’t embrace with open arms, too. Actually, we are all called to use our strengths given to help others. Whether it be a time of need, like poor water quality or a hurricane, we should use our strength to lift others when they need us. I promise you that lifting others with different abilities will only increase the strength of who you are; help make you whole. You may already believe that what you’re is working, and likely it is, but, what if you could find a happiness you didn’t know existed? Wouldn’t you seek it?

I have been very open that I didn’t embrace anyone on this journey before my Hudson was born. Given the opportunity, I believe I would have been a good friend, but my path never crossed any of these beautiful families before Hudson. Boy, did I unknowingly miss out. Each smile I have experienced on this path is so deeply stamped on my heart and I know I am a better person today. I have always been a happy person. A person who sees life as a gift. A christian who lives life to help others. This is a new part of my life; I am a strong advocate, a wonderful caregiver and I plan to be a world changer for Hudson.

October was Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I call it Down Syndrome Acceptance Month because I see a world where my son doesn’t need a month to prove he deserves a seat at the table. I see a day where he can decide, even if his decisions need support, what he can do in life and then be supported fully to achieve his dreams. I pray for a day where children aren’t tucked behind their parents in fear of them saying something that would be embarrassing, but that they are given the chance to ask whatever they wish with their curious little hearts to be able to learn. The unknown is where fear lives, so let's talk.

In honor of Down Syndrome Acceptance Month, a sweet friend sent me a gift. This gift came the same day we brought Hudson home for the hospital with pneumonia. We were tired, sleep deprived and needed to learn a new routine to support his healing (as all parents experience with all sick children), and this gift was in my mailbox. I love Gods perfect timing. The gift had words that read this:

“Chosen: You were chosen for this journey. You were handpicked to be the caretaker of someone who will touch the hearts and lives of many. Your eyes will open to a beautiful new world. A world that is far more innocent than the one you are familiar with. This precious world is the closest thing to Heaven here on Earth. You will become an advocate, a therapist, and a teacher. You will celebrate big for this that used to look small. You may not feel prepared, but know that you are fully equipped with everything your child will need. This journey will be part of your legacy. “You were born for such a time as this” -Esther 4:14”

Here’s a recap of all the NDSS facts that were shared during October:

As I wrap up this amazing year of sharing all of the facts and my heart, I can say without a doubt that I was chosen for this life. That I am blessed for this gift of Hudson’s life. All children are amazing individuals who deserve a chance at life, with or without an extra chromosome. The more you educate yourself with anything unknown or feared, the more you grow as a human. You were chosen to be here, too. To be reading about my son. To be learning and teaching in your communities. To be on this journey with me.

Remember that this journey will be your legacy. “You, too, were born for such a time as this”.

I am not the only one who was "chosen for his EXTRA”; take my hand, I will gladly continue to share his light with all who need EXTRA love.

Thank you to The Clinton Courier. This opportunity has been EXTRA huge for me and I am forever grateful.