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Jeepin the Coast registration opens


By Andy Kanengiser

Registration is now open for the 2021 Jeepin the Coast, which is set for June 3-6, 2021.

Registration is $65 ahead of the event and includes a free shirt.

Jeepin the Coast (JTC) typically includes events such as a pool party, several meet and greet opportunities, a scavenger hunt, a few beach crawl, live entertainment, a Jeep show, and a parade through downtown Long Beach. Awards are also given. Organizers, who had to cancel the 2020 event, are monitoring the pandemic situation, and more event information will be announced soon.

JTC unites Jeepers with its annual event on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, drawing Jeep owners to the 26-mile-long beach. Organizers set up multiple events in the coastal cities for Jeepers to either stay together or branch off into their own adventure throughout the coast.

Those who registered to participate in the event in 2020 but who did not request a refund when the event had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 will have their registration automatically rolled over to JTC2021. To verify a registration was rolled over, email jeepinthecoast@gmail.com.

Visit JeepinTheCoast.com to register for JTC 2021 and for more information.