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Long Beach Selected to Take Part in Mission Acceleration


Long Beach School District has been selected to be a part of Mission Acceleration’s pilot program designed to accelerate reading achievement for 1,000 children in Mississippi.

“Long Beach’s participation in the Mississippi Campaign for Grade-Level Reading set a clear message that learning is important to this community and we recognize that reading is the foundation upon which classroom learning is built,” said Kelleigh Reynolds, LBSD Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

Through Long Beach’s participation in the Mississippi Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, the district was selected to join in the pilot project with the Center for Excellence in Literacy Instruction (CELI) and the University of Mississippi. This project was developed to address the need for learning recovery due to extended periods of time spent out of school or learning asynchronously during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will provide a combination of high-dose tutoring using evidence-based reading interventions, a vast digital library, and meaningful academic and social connections with a college role model.

“This program is a fantastic opportunity for college students to serve as Academic Guides to K-5 students and make a difference while earning a $1,000 stipend per semester,” Reynolds said. “We know that USM Gulf Park, William Carey, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and other Mississippi colleges and universities are full of bright students who will have a positive impact on our students in Long Beach. We are eager for this program to begin here and watch our little Bearcats grow in learning.”

All current college students with a 3.25 GPA are encouraged to apply. You don’t have to be an education major to participate. Candidates must successfully complete the application process and background check to participate. For more information, interested parties should email missionacceleration@gmail.com or visit www.missionacceleration.org.